What is Hero?

the hero is me

What is Hero?
This answer may depend on the person. Briefly, the truth about what-hero-is-really stands in your only mind. A hero could be someone who is like spiderman, having a special feature to fight the monster, burglar, or other kinds of enemies. A hero also could be someone like your husband or boyfriend, who always befriends you wherever and whenever you need. Someone who sends you a bunch of flowers, or just simple message like "nice dream" right before you go to bed. It's ok if a hero is that much sweet for you. Someone else may say that hero is someone like her/his father. A truthfully brave and warm-hearted man who always supports you either how good or dump you are *well, I'm starting to cry out now*. Okay, what else hero is? It's really up to you.

In my mind, a hero is someone who is useful for others. He dedicated his whole life to support people around, gave ease for everyone he met. Even just a smile, that would be so favorable for your friends who just stuck on something or got a bad news at the same time. Personally speaking, having an advantage for someone else is a job to be a hero. It doesn't need much money. Just spread your happiness but keep your sorrow. Keep it then tell to God, the one who will give you the ease, as you give it to everyone.

A hero, is someone who give their time, energy and even money to help people, but never want it back as what he gave. Because he believes that someday, something good that he share will be returned back as a good for him as well. 

A hero is someone who made an appointment then came on time as the schedule. Because he respects time as he respects anyone. He realizes that time is precious, and never gets back when we regret once we lose it. A hero will never make his colleagues waiting for long.

A hero is someone who never complains even he is in the worst circumstance. He just does and keeps doing what he has started. Complaints will never be a solution for a problem. It's not a proper attitude for a hero.

A hero is someone ho appreciate people, especially woman and oldies. He talks politely, he gives his best attention when someone talks to him, he praises his friends who just got an achievement, he never interrupts people but just listens well until they have done. He warns his friend in the very respectful manner. This is how people like him.

Well, a hero is perhaps someone perfect. But we never could be him. Because no one can be perfect. We couldn't make everyone happy and appreciate us as a good man. A big no for perfect. But all we can do just trying to be good, trying to be a hero as what we believe what hero likes. It doesn't matter how people think about who we are. It doesn't matter how people dislike us. But there's no way for a hero revenge people by harming or mocking or etc.

Being a perfect man is impossible, but being a hero is something you can do every time. Because I believe, the hero is actually sleeping in your soul. Just you need to wake it up by doing good things every single time. Have a good day everyone, and keep being good!!

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