How to be Positive!

How to be Positive!

How to be Positive! - Earlier, I thought about my dream. My beauty dreams are being a scientist, studying Ph.D Degree in gottingen university together with my future husband. Although we are having a son, it will not be annoying at all. Precisely, It will prove my ability as an educated mom. My son will be a young polyglot, my little one who can speak some languages (indonesia, english and germany). The kid who his early childhood would be spent by learning much through his experience abroad. I will be happy to teach him along with my business as a scientist, I will be a great mom for my gorgeous son to be.
As the time goes by, we never realized that either each of our dream was failed or succeeded. Sometimes we are unsuccessful with our plan, but another time we are very satisfied just because our plan worked as expected. There are plentyful possibilities, hopes, chances, and ways. So, if the first plan was failed, we would have another plan to do.

Unfortunately, I saw many people frustrated of being failed. But why? Why they must be hopeless. Even people in many countries decided their life to be ended by commiting suicide. That's bad, awful and shameful too. Why a perfect creature that called human can be frustrated  just because of fail. I believe that god created us within perfect feature like brain and heart. Aren't those two useful enough to differ bad and good?
Well, I should say that we need to detail it more. though we can say that human brain is more sophisticated than a quadcore, but It need to be filled with positive things. As well as the heart, if it's filled with negative feeling, our heart will get entire body to do negative action. The point is what we say, feel and think will affect our attitude. So please, everyone! Just feel positively, don't too much having prejudices. Think positively. Say positive word, then act positively too. Those all will help us avoiding ridiculous action such as commiting suicide.

Furthermore, being positive will get people around do positive action to us. It's like the physical law, action-reaction. How many actions you do, the reaction that you will accept is exactly same. Once you throw someone with a can, I'm sure that he will throw you back with same or even bigger can. If you give your smile and happiness away to everone, people will share the same with you, for sure. You'll never regret of being good.
I wonder how great this world will be once people inside it have positive life. Perhaps, there's no criminality, there's no corrupted functionary, there's no violence, no one should afraid of go out of their home at night. Such a real peaceful life :D

Well, that's all my very personally tips how to be positive! Let's inspire other people to become more and moooooore positive! If you have some more tips, don't leave the comment box without sharing it :)

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